​​Adventure Before Dementia

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​david@softsod.com  07968691221


As Martha confronts the loss of her late husband Donald and the demise of his beloved car, Geoff, she is determined to void the creeping spectre of life as she knows it. In a vein attempt to circumvent the inevitable, Martha's misadventures (before dementia) know no bounds, much to the chagrin of her largely docile, disbelieving and increasingly disturbed family. Three rounds with a boxer called Brutus, a near disastrous adopt-an-addict campaign and a serious misadventure or two with druggy Steve are all set to get Martha into some serious pickle.


A cutting-edge comedy drama and a tale that must be told. Written and directed by David Martin, this WIP story is a simple one - life is not a rehearsal. 

Outstanding touring theatre company specialising in unique, current, thought-provoking and moving drama for theatre. Original scripts and strong, relevant themes aimed at raising awareness on psychological and social issues, including mental health, emotional conflict, the human condition and our instincts for survival. Delivering creative, insightful storylines, outstanding acting and performance and high quality productions.